Some people attract money, while others don't. Want to learn more about the psychology of money so that you come out on top? Learn my money laws now.
The Psychology of Money & Money Laws
Have you ever thought about the psychology of money?
I want to deep dive into my own experiences and give you some money facts. These are the money laws you need to know and follow if you want to attract more.
Money operates under certain natural laws, which when understood can be positively leveraged.
There are two types of ‘law’. The first, is a law of nature. This is an unbreakable law. It is wise to learn and go with the flow of the laws of nature. You will get the most out of life this way. If you attempt to break or resist the laws of nature, there will be only one winner.
For example, if you try to change your human perception (fantasy), what IS, into what you perceive it should be, then there will be much pain. As soon as you accept what IS, and go with the natural order, life can work for you and with you, not to you or against you.
I recommend you read the above paragraph again.
The second type of law is a man made law. Some of these laws are good, others not so good. But these laws are breakable. In fact in some societies it is more beneficial to break the law than to follow the law. These laws have nowhere near as much power. I am not saying ‘follow all natural laws and break all human laws’, but let’s be honest, man made laws aren’t really ‘laws’ at all. Or they are ‘one law for you and one law for them’ laws.
Money matters, so if you need help with money, have no money, or want to know how to make money, first you need to take a step back. Understanding the psychology of money is imperative if you want to see more money in the bank every month.
Do you want my money advice? Here are my 13 money laws you need to know:
1. Money is neutral, but becomes what you project onto it
This means that the meaning of money is subjective; it is a neutral tool that is an effective lever that can equally do harm and good, as defined by humanity, and the choices YOU make with it. Money can fund a school for entrepreneurial kids, it can also find bullets that kill those kids in a school shooting.
2. Money tends to exaggerate your traits
Money will not change you, only you can change you, and only you are responsible for your actions.
Money is an accelerant and an enabler of what you already are. If you are kind, you will give away more money. If you are fearful you will hoard more money. If you are greedy you will grab more money.
It is not the money that creates the behaviour, much in the same way that a hammer needs the intention of the user. A hammer can hammer and remove a nail far more effectively than a hand, but it can also smash a skull far more effectively than a hand.
3. Money is a universal exchange of value: more value = more money
People ask “Why can’t I have more money?” A far better question is “How can I create more value that will enable me to get paid more?”
You see people don’t pay YOU, they pay to receive the value YOU offer. They don’t want to make you rich, they want to make their lives easier, better and more convenient.
4. Money is a reliable store of future value, but goes down in value over time with inflation
Money stores better than meat, but not as well as gold. Money travels better than commodities. Within the inflation rate you can accurately predict the future value of your money, and as a result it is relatively stable.
5. Both money & debt compound if invested over time
It was Einstein who said ‘compounding interest’ is the 8th wonder of the world. The more money you have (well invested, beating inflation) the more money that money will earn.
Your money will work hard for you. Your money will earn money. Alas, the same applies in reverse to debt (unless you are the government and you break human laws and pay off your debt with inflation).
6. Money loves speed & hates friction: increase velocity to increase volume
You increase the flow of money to you when you reduce the friction and restriction.
A slow loading sales page will reduce money flow to you. Over promising and under delivering will reduce the money flow to you. Hoarding will reduce the money flow to you.
Anything with low vibration/frequency has higher friction. Enthusiasm, passion, honesty and authenticity are radiant, high vibrational frequencies that make you very attractive to money. You can learn more on what I call the “softer skills of money” in my book ‘Money Loves You’.
7. Money tends to flow from those who value it least to those who value it most
Those who put a high value on wealth building; the making, managing, multiplying and maintaining of wealth in the form of money, will focus their time and energy on developing the skills and dedicating their life to this pursuit.
They will commit themselves to the best ways to invest money, invest time to make money, and they will make it a high priority. They will make it the most important thing to them.
Those who value possessions, experiences, addictions, brands and vanities higher than they value money, will spend all their money (and time) in the pursuit of meeting these needs and values.
If you’re thinking “I need money”, maybe you should ask yourself “Why?”. What is it you currently value and commit yourself to?
Those who value money and wealth building will invest in assets and accumulate wealth from assets. They will save, invest and delay gratification, putting aside excess capital into assets.
Instead of depreciating their wealth and eroding the capital in depreciating liabilities, they will spend the recurring and passive income from their assets on liabilities, luxuries, subsistence, possessions, experiences, addictions, brands and vanities.
First and foremost their priority is accumulating assets, not liabilities - ask yourself, what’s yours?
8. Money tends to flow from those who manage it worst to those who manage it best
Those who learn good money management skills such as budgeting, forecasting, investing and delaying gratification, tend to attract more money.
Think about it, would you spend or invest your money into someone who was terrible at managing it? Of course not.
So money attracts money, in the sense that those who are bad at managing it tend to spend it with, or look to invest it with those who are good at managing money.
9. Money flows from those who manage their emotions badly, to those who manage their emotions well
“If you cannot manage your emotions, you cannot control your money.” - Warren Buffett.
Volatile and uncontrolled emotions like those you feel when you want retail therapy, for example, or impatience in negotiation, or to alleviate pain, will cost you money.
Controlling them with discipline, long term thinking and delayed gratification will turn the erosion of money into the accumulation of money.
10. Money likes to flow and operates poorly when being hoarded
Have you ever had a group of friends, and when you go out and buy drinks in rounds, there is always the one smart-arse who always seems to avoid their round?
They always seem to be in the toilet when it’s their turn to get the drinks, or they had to leave early?
Whilst this person thinks they’re getting away with it, in the end people will stop buying them anything in the future. In fact they may go out of their way to obstruct them.
Money will not continue to flow to hoarders, because it is against the true nature of money and it cannot become a better version of itself if there is no flow.
This is one of the reasons that you cannot save your way to wealth. High inflation and low interest rates are of course other reasons.
11. Money likes to ‘divide and conquer’
In order for money to be itself, it should be easily divisible into smaller units to facilitate transactions of varying sizes. Otherwise there would be friction.
A cow is not that easily divisible compared to fiat currency. It should also be fungible, meaning that each unit of money is interchangeable with any other unit of the same denomination.
12. Money relies on trust to exist
Money relies on the acceptance and trust of individuals and institutions within an economy, to express its true nature and to flow with maximum speed.
Confidence in the stability and value of money is crucial for its functioning.
Therefore money, in fiat currency form at least, will flow to and operate from the most trusted source. As soon as the source is not trusted, money becomes worthless.
13. Money flows from consumers to producers
Money tends to be spent by consumers, and that spending is received by producers.
In some sense, we are all producers and consumers of something, but the more you produce (give value) the more you will receive, and the more you consume (to a degree drain resources) the more you will need to spend to do this.
If you take these natural laws seriously, and you go with the flow of them rather than resist them, it is highly likely that you will build vast and lasting wealth.
Will it be easy? No. Will it happen overnight? No. But will it be worth it? You’re damn straight it will be.
If you want to learn more from me, whether you’re interested in improving your financial education and literacy or want to learn how to earn money, how to make money online and how to make money from home, make sure to join my members only platform
If you don’t risk anything, you risk everything.