Decentralisation and The Money Revolution

There is a big money revolution going on right now. It’s here and you NEED to know what’s going on. Some people have been saying that cash is dying out, that cryptocurrencies are going to take over the banking system, that the fiat currency system is dying or outdated and I believe that a money revolution is happening right here, right now. Decentralisation is potentially on the horizon and it’s all gaining momentum and velocity because of inflation, cost of living crisis and high taxation etc.

I’m going to share with you some things I think are happening in this money revolution and then I’m going to give you some solutions, because it’s important to have solutions and be armed.

Cryptocurrencies are disrupting the mainstream banking and financial system.

Long before cryptocurrencies (such as Bitcoin) came along the lack of trust of governments and central banks started to disrupt itself. Do you trust central banks? Do you trust the government and how they’re handling OUR money?

This all started before Bitcoin came along. Bitcoin then became the potential solution that a lot of people wanted, who didn’t trust the current fiat system.

The lack of trust of our government and how they manage money and the economy

Gross overspending through lockdown. Billions in PPE equipment that got written off (burned in fact). 10s of billions on a track and trace app that didn’t work. Billions in misappropriated bounce back loans that got written off. Monthly parties at No.10 breaking their own lockdown rules and a huge increase in government debt. Money printing and mismanagement of that debt contributed to soaring inflation. 

Soaring taxation

National insurance has gone up already. Corporation tax is going up from 19% to 25%. Income tax is already nearly 40%. We’re in a cost of living crisis, yet, instead of taxes going down, they’re going up.

Did you know that in the last recession (which was caused by the banks) VAT went down, taxes went down and the governments bailed out the banks.

But the governments aren’t bailing out the entrepreneurs, the small business owners, the middle class, the working class, the employed person. They’ve done a few token gestures but they’re not really supporting anyone.

Decentralisation and Inflation

Because inflation is in double digits and when you add to that the vast quantitative easing and the frivolous printing of money, all of this devalues and even debases your currency. I estimated that your spending power is 20-25% less than it was before COVID. It is theorised that a decentralised markets would not have a direct affect on inflation. Instead decentralisation would “lock-in” relative inflation rates, making it hard to change fiscal policies.


You’ve got an entire generation, Gen Z, that love crypto and NFTs. Gen Z (short for Zoomers) are the generation born between the late 1990’s and 2012. They’re looking for a quicker return on money, they don’t want money in a centralised system – this is the next money revolution. Decentralisation.

People who like freedom, who want proper autonomy and proper democracy don’t like centralisation of one central bank control, one government control, globalisation and totalitarianism. Decentralisation is the movement against this. They want to decentralise currency, decentralise media, decentralise social media, autonomy and freedom.

Decentralisation forms a market in which technology allows the investors to deal directly with each other. Using decentralised currency (cryptocurrency) creates a virtual market from which this environment can thrive.

But, it’s not going to come easy. All of these are happening right now and it’s real:

  • Your spending power is as low as it’s been since WWII
  • The cost of food, energy and raw materials are increasing exponentially
  • Taxes are going up
  • The ability to trade and the supply chain has been restricted
  • In the UK we had Brexit which resulted in restricted trade and employment between Britain and the EU

Yes it’s been going on for a while but now it’s now accelerated and gained velocity. You need some solutions. It’s impossible to save your way out of this crisis. You have to invest, earn and educate your way out of this crisis.

You have to learn, earn and invest

What you need to:

  • Start a business or scale your business
  • Get extra income streams and even multiple income streams
  • Have a part time side hustle
  • Have residual, recurring income streams
  • Monetise information and your personal brand using social media and content
  • Make money quicker and easier and cheaper like the Gen Z generation are

If you can say yes to any of these then you need to join is my members platform, for only £5 +VAT no strings attached. You can even cancel at ANY time.

There are HUNDREDS of hours of masterclasses and courses. The content on there will give you a better financial education and knowledge and teach you how to start and scale a business.

I get so many requests from people asking “How do I invest? What should I invest in? How do I protect myself? If I’m not an experienced investor, where do I start?”

So, to help you I’ve just launched a 9-part Investment Series on my members area called: How to Invest.

It will cover:

  • How to invest
  • What to invest in
  • How much of your net worth to invest
  • How to start investing
  • When and how to scale
  • How to diversify
  • Different types of assets
  • How to invest quicker and safer

People are lost and they don’t know what to do, so I want to help them in this cost of living crisis. You can’t get this content ANYWHERE else, it’s completely exclusive to members only – join now!

Have a question or wish to find out more? Then simply get in touch with me today and a member of my team will be on hand to help.

Picture of Written by Rob Moore

Written by Rob Moore

Rob Moore; host of "Disruptors” & a ‘disruptive' Entreprenuer:

He disrupted the property investing world, with over 1,350 property rental units managed/owned/sold
Became a millionaire by age 31
He disrupted the business world with public 3x longest speech world records
Disrupted books by being a best-selling author of 19 books on money, business & investing
14 companies &multiple 7 & 8 figure businesses
He disrupted the influencer world with his global podcast, Disruptors, with over 1,000 episodes & a community of over 3 million followers across all platforms

Rob's mission: to help as many people on the planet get better financial knowledge and help YOU make, manage and multiply more money through multiple streams of income


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