The Reality of Capitalism & Creditism In Today’s Society

Is capitalism still the dominant economic system? Discover the reality of capitalism today and how to and leverage economic systems for financial independence.

Capitalism: The Western World's Economic Backbone

Comparing Economic Systems

When we compare Capitalism to Socialism, which ‘emphasises state ownership and maximising social good rather than profits’. Cough. Splutter. Sick in mouth.

And then there’s Communism, a ‘system of social organisation in which all property is owned by the community and each person contributes and receives according to their ability and needs’.

The Reality of Capitalism Today

As stated, Capitalism is supposed to be the dominant economic system, but can you remember the last time we had full ‘privately owned means of production and income distribution through markets’?

The Pillars of Capitalism

In 2008, they repackaged toxic loans, taking greater and greater risk lending money to any ‘NINJA’ - no income, no job, no asset? No problem.

Of course this triggered the financial crisis, the banks were finally found out for trading knowingly insolvently for years, and taking ever-increasing risks. And what happened? What was the punishment and the accountability? Bail outs. They win, they earn. They lose, you pay.

The Risky Business of Fractional Reserve Banking

Capitalism is based on six pillars:

1) Private property
2) Self-interest
3) Competition
4) Market mechanism
5) Freedom to choose
6) Limited government involvement

The Evolution of Capitalism

Capitalism has ‘evolved’, for better or worse, from ‘free markets’, to ‘mixed economics’ - a mix of private and state based ownership. So you could say we are in a hybrid economic system. Despite the perception of free-market economies, the state plays a vastly more active role than commonly acknowledged.

The Classifications of Capitalism

Different classifications of capitalism have emerged, including:

1) State-guided capitalism
2) Oligarchic capitalism
3) Big-firm capitalism
4) Entrepreneurial capitalism

The Ideal of Entrepreneurial Capitalism

Now I’ll leave you to decide which one seems to be prevalent in society, but imagine a utopia where we have ‘Entrepreneurial Capitalism’. Alas, no system seems likely to ever allow this to happen, which is why you have to create your own, independent (semi) decentralised economy.

Evaluating Capitalism: Politics, Production, and Profits

Having learned about the inner workings of the banks, their financial system and the potential risks associated with it, when it comes to the Money Matrix do you choose the red pill or the blue pill? Will you continue to accept the narrative presented by the BlackGuard, or are you ready to dive deeper into the reality of the 'Money Matrix'?

Navigating the Financial Minefield: Protecting Your Wealth Against Modern Threats

Capitalism can be evaluated based on:

1. Politics
2. Production
3. Profits

Innovation thrives better in free societies, which is why I love the system of Entrepreneurial Capitalism, and I just can’t get my head around why the governments just keep increasing taxes as a means of revenue generation. If you limit, stifle, over charge and over regulate innovation, you limit the economy.

Therefore, these so-called ‘Free Markets’ are nowhere near as free as you’re led to believe. So where in fact are we? Are we in a Socialist or worst Communist economic system in reality, in the west, despite what we are told? Or are we evolving into a new hybrid-hybrid system?

Introducing Creditism: The Unseen Economic Driver

Creditism’, though not an officially recognised economic system (remember you need to have no clue what’s really going on until it’s too late), is an economic system where credit plays a central role in driving economic activity. In this system, the availability and flow of credit, rather than traditional factors like labour or capital, would be the primary driver of economic ‘growth and development’.

The Power of Credit in the Economy

In Creditism, credit is seen as a fundamental component of the economy, and the expansion of credit is considered crucial to stimulating investment, consumption, and overall economic activity.

It suggests that credit creation, lending, borrowing, and the management of debt are key determinants of economic prosperity. If it walks like a Duck, and quacks like a Duck, chances are, it’s a Duck.

This is like a wet dream for the central banks and governments. Full and absolute monopoly power and control over the monetary system. Debt based economic system printing money to pay off its own debt and leverage the populus.

The Role of Capitalism in Society

Turning our back on capitalism would be a disaster in my opinion. Many of our great institutions, universities, libraries and hospitals were founded and funded by billionaire capitalists who turned into philanthropists.

Capitalism's Philanthropic Legacy

Andrew Carnegie donated substantial sums to build thousands of public libraries across the United States and other countries. These libraries were intended to provide free access to knowledge and education for the public.

Johns Hopkins University and Johns Hopkins Hospital were founded with contributions from Baltimore entrepreneur Johns Hopkins. The hospital and university are renowned for their medical research and education.

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, established by Bill and Melinda Gates, has made substantial contributions to global health, education, and poverty alleviation. It supports initiatives to combat diseases, improve healthcare, and enhance education worldwide.

Henry Ford, the founder of Ford Motor Company, established the Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, Michigan, which has been a significant healthcare institution for many years.

Are the governments and the current ‘Money Matrix’ going to fund these institutions with their debt leverage? I doubt it.

Use Capitalism to Take Control of Your Financial Future

If you want to learn more about how you can beat the system and create financial freedom, you need to get a copy of my BRAND NEW book: Money Matrix: Beat The Money System & Build Generational Wealth.

Break FREE from the Money Matrix when you discover:

- How to resist a one world government & new world order to gain personal freedom & independent wealth
- Exposing the truth behind ‘own nothing, be happy’ to take control of your finances & multiply your money
- How the Money Matrix monetises YOU & how to monetise the system, leveraging the system
- Rebel against de-banking, central digital currencies & master decentralisation to protect your money from the system
- Defy the war on entrepreneurs & soaring inflation & taxes to make, manage & maintain more money
- Identify & conquer the threats to your wealth, from corporate power to government control & your own personal self-sabotages
- Rage against the machine of financial oppression
- Discover the hidden ‘Money Matrix’ monopolising the world: escape the system & create your own money supply
- Follow my 4Ms of personal wealth building, level up your earning power & create recurring income & generational wealth

Simply register for an advanced copy of my book by clicking here now.

If you don’t risk anything, you risk everything.

capitalism vs creditsm
Picture of Written by Rob Moore

Written by Rob Moore

Rob Moore; host of "Disruptors” & a ‘disruptive' Entreprenuer:

He disrupted the property investing world, with over 1,350 property rental units managed/owned/sold
Became a millionaire by age 31
He disrupted the business world with public 3x longest speech world records
Disrupted books by being a best-selling author of 19 books on money, business & investing
14 companies &multiple 7 & 8 figure businesses
He disrupted the influencer world with his global podcast, Disruptors, with over 1,000 episodes & a community of over 3 million followers across all platforms

Rob's mission: to help as many people on the planet get better financial knowledge and help YOU make, manage and multiply more money through multiple streams of income


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