How To Make Money From Podcasting

Kids growing up today want to be YouTubers, Podcasters or Videographers. Why? Because traditional jobs and trades are changing.

Joe Rogan generated $30 million in revenue from ads on his podcast last year and Ryan’s toy reviews made $26 million from his YouTube channel. Five years ago you told your child to get off of the internet and go outside, but now the world is changing and it’s really exciting if you can be ahead of the change. 

I could talk to you about so many different types of media but today, I want to share with you how you can make money podcasting.

Six years ago I started listening to podcasts and I thought to myself, what’s the catch? I’m getting all this great information for free. Well, the only catch is that you may need to listen to a few ads, but it’s those ads that can generate millions.

I started my podcast in January, roughly 4 years ago and my 500th episode comes out in so if you can fast forward, two, three, four or five years and you have 500 podcast episodes out there you’re going to have generated thousands of followers, millions of downloads and tens of thousands in revenue. Plus you’re going to have met dozens of celebrities, have the opportunity to get involved in a number of joint ventures and possibly generate millions of pounds in trickle-down revenue to your business. 

Okay, so why don’t people start podcasts?

For myself, in the beginning, the tech was actually my biggest challenge, learning and understand how to run my podcasts. For others, it may be confidence, credibility, frequency, consistency or money. 

Okay, I’m going to help you overcome all of the reasons. So tech, the first thing you need to do to start a podcast is getting set up with the right gear and you’ll need a Zoom H1, make sure to get two of them and they’re only about £80 each and getting started with a clip-on mic is better than trying to be perfect. Even Joe Rogan has recorded an episode using his phone on an aeroplane. 

Right, so we all have 24 hours in a day so you need to be organised in order to be consistent. Every day I put in my diary from 08:30-09:00 AM to produce a live stream and after long enough my brain is just wired to product content every morning sometimes I don’t know what I’m going to say, sometimes. I’ve got an idea of 50 or 60 different pieces of content to share. 

Okay so perhaps you don’t have the money to start a podcast, well what if I told you I was going to pay you £250 every time you do a Facebook live, how many would you do? It would end up being your full-time job right? Well here’s the thing, you don’t get paid upfront, rather you get paid in trickle-down revenue to your business. Many entrepreneurs sell great products but likely do not get paid for 30-90 days and they’ve got no problem with that 

But they’re not putting content out there because they haven’t seen the proof of the revenue that can be generated, but my podcast has generated more than 3 million pounds in isolation that we can track and that’s with no ads and no sponsors, all generated in trickle-down revenue from listeners discovering my businesses and products. 

Okay next then is fear. A lot of people are fearful of going live on Facebook, putting themselves out there on social media and they’re not interested in building a personal brand and that makes podcasting the perfect business model. There’s no social part of podcasting, the audience can’t engage with you, they can’t troll you like they can on other platforms. 

Now on to content consistency and confidence. To give you an idea of the reach and power of podcasting and it’s ability to build your credibility, I’ll give you an example; I’ve built the UK’s largest property training organisation called Progressive property and at the time of writing it’s about 14 years old and remember I only started podcasting four years ago. So, let’s go to 10 years old in Progressive property with no Distruptive Entrepnreuer podcast and I would walk down the street and no one would recognise me. I would probably get recognised about twice a year if I travel or if I would go to London for an event. But within six months of launching my Distruptive Entrepneur podcast I started getting recognised weekly and within two years I’m getting stopped everywhere by listeners, followers and fans.

It’s a bit weird because even going to my local gym I get recognised, recently at the gym someone came up to me and said: 

“Your content changed my life, your podcast changed my life, I just want to tell you that I love you and we need more people like you in the world”

That really shows the power of podcasting and the effect your content can have on the world. 

And with Podcasting you’ll begin to recognised for your content, your voice and your message in the most random of places, but let’s just replace recognition with reach…my podcast ‘The Disruptive Entrepreneur’ provides me with a huge level of reach and impact, far more than my £10 million a year business and I’d never seen that type of effect before. 

Picture of Written by Rob Moore

Written by Rob Moore

Rob Moore; host of "Disruptors” & a ‘disruptive' Entreprenuer:

He disrupted the property investing world, with over 1,350 property rental units managed/owned/sold
Became a millionaire by age 31
He disrupted the business world with public 3x longest speech world records
Disrupted books by being a best-selling author of 19 books on money, business & investing
14 companies &multiple 7 & 8 figure businesses
He disrupted the influencer world with his global podcast, Disruptors, with over 1,000 episodes & a community of over 3 million followers across all platforms

Rob's mission: to help as many people on the planet get better financial knowledge and help YOU make, manage and multiply more money through multiple streams of income


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